Date: November 7th, 2018
SCFP Spouse Courtney Pytyck has taken the initiative to organize a Heroes Behind the Heroes workshop, led by Psychologist Stephanie Baker of Evolution Psychology. Also the spouse of a Paramedic (not on our department), Stephanie specializes in PTSD in First Responders. This workshop will cover the basics of trauma and PTSD and explore coping strategies with stress in relationships, self-care, and existing resources for First Responder Families.
This workshop is to be held at Station 6 on November 7th, 5-7pm. While children are not welcome to attend the workshop due to mature content, they are welcome to play in the conference room adjacent to the room we are using as a workshop (infants are welcome to stay with their mothers). There will be babysitters available to watch the younger kids in the adjacent room (if your babysitting-aged child would like to help out, please contact us!).
This workshop costs $50/person, however, Evolution Psychology is willing to call this workshop “group therapy” so we can reimburse the cost using our Blue Cross Health Care Coverage. SCFD Members, Spouses, and their children each have $3000/year to spend on counselling services, so claiming the cost of this workshop will not eat into your Member’s counselling allowance. In order to register for this program, please call Evolution Psychology at (780)570-5709. You will need to pay by credit card over the phone, and they will bring your receipt to the workshop on November 7th. Please submit your receipt to Blue Cross by email in order to be reimbursed. If preferred, you can also visit Evolution Psychology in person in order to register.
If your Member joined the department as a single person not claiming family status, his or her Spouse may not be covered by the department’s Blue Cross Benefits program until their status is updated. Please look into this before registering in order to be reimbursed the $50 fee.
So far, over 25 SCFP Spouses have contacted Evolution Psychology to state their interest in the program. For the program to take place, at least 15 must register by November 1st 2018. If interested in this program, please register as soon as possible.