It’s been three months since we first met and the SCFP Spouse Association is due to get together again! We will be meeting in the large training room at Station 6 on Sunday, January 20th at 4pm. Childcare will be available in the smaller adjacent room. All Spouses of Strathcona County Firefighters are welcome and encouraged to join. A few topics of discussion have been contributed to this meeting’s agenda including future baby baskets and a potential educational speaker for a later event, and we will also be using this time to brainstorm and plan the upcoming 2019 Spring Family Barbecue our Members’ Union has asked us to spearhead.
(Snacks are also welcome! If you’d like to offer one, please let us know by replying to this email or using the Contact page on the site).
If you have any concerns, questions, or ideas about our member or family resources you’d like to have a conversation about, this meeting is a great time to offer them. Please feel free to contribute them anonymously (by using the contact page on this site or by speaking to one of our Outreach Team Members), or bring your thoughts directly to the meeting. All input is welcome, from educational opportunities, advocacy, and volunteerism and fundraising.
And please bring your ideas about the Spring BBQ! We want to make this get-together amazing for all our families, and so we are looking for fun activities for both the afternoon and evening. If possible, please bring as much research as possible about your idea, such as estimated costs or vendor availability. The more cost effective the ideas, the better! SCFP Spouse Stephanie Nixon is leading us in hosting this event and we want to make sure the ideas presented to her are actionable in order to support her efforts.
Spring BBQ Event Details so far:
June 1st, 2019, at The Druid’s Rugby Club, 3pm start. All ages.
Food: BBQ
Budget: $2500
[…] be discussing several fundraising ideas at the upcoming Quarterly Meeting on January 20, 4pm, at Station Six, along with other agenda […]