Our peer support team is planning on hosting on a health & wellness information night for all us spouses and our members in mid November (childcare to be provided – more information to come!).
They have asked us to contribute questions ahead of time. There will be time for Q&A at the event too, but they’d like to gather questions this way so they can be submitted somewhat anonymously if preferred, too. Available to answer these questions will be the peer support team, the disability team, the department psychologist, and the department chaplain. These questions can be about anything related to health and wellness support, benefits, the roles of these teams, our access to them, mental health support on the job, etc. Nothing is off the table!
If you would like to ask a question ahead of time please email [email protected], simply reply to this email, or ask a friend to contribute your question on your behalf. Questions will be compiled without the names of who asked them and the list will be sent to Iain Clavelle at Peer Support. Please know your privacy will be respected completely.